Heolddu Comprehensive

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Rewards and enrichment

Heolddu’s ClassCharts Reward System

At Heolddu we pride ourselves on acknowledging the achievements and successes of all our students. We have introduced a rewards system that focuses on our “Learner Values” in which we celebrate pupils’ achievements but also inspire and motivate them to be confident, resilient, and independent learners.  Outlined below are some of the methods used across the school from Year 7 through to Year 13.

Class Charts Points

Class teachers record positive points on the school’s Class Charts system. Points can be awarded for many different reasons ranging from producing an outstanding piece of work, demonstrating an excellent effort in a lesson, showing an enthusiastic attitude to learning, showing an act of kindness to others in lessons to demonstrating excellent/improved progress in lessons. The aim of this system is to motivate and encourage pupils to achieve the very best they can in all lessons and become successful learners.

Faculty / Pastoral Nominations

Every half term departments within the school faculty structure and each Academic Progress Manager have the opportunity to nominate pupils who deserve recognition for their hard work and commitment to their studies and striving to achieve the Learner Values. These pupils are rewarded with a breakfast celebration with the Headteacher, badges, and letters/postcards home.

Attendance Rewards

At Heolddu we recognise the importance of regular attendance. The Tutor group with the highest attendance record is rewarded with a prize regularly during the school term. Individual pupils are also recognised and rewarded with vouchers every term for 100% attendance.

Celebration Assemblies

Achievement assemblies are held every term and they are an important way to celebrate the achievements of our pupils with parents. Through analysis of attendance records, the global grade system, and our approach to the learning system in school, pupils are rewarded for their sustained success throughout the term.  These assemblies include pupils, parents, group tutors, Assistant Headteachers and the Headteacher.  They provide an excellent opportunity for the community to recognise and support our students as they strive to achieve success.